Sonntag, Juli 31, 2005

Curious indeed

I have been writing a bit about my best friend and as any good friend needs and deserves, he needs a name. Eros came to mind right away. The god of love? Holy loads. Hmmmm. I cannot put into words what I feel with him. I can attempt to paint pictures with words but at the same time it never comes out with the depth of the experience. And somehow, strangely, for the time, Eros seems to fit. It's kinda spooky.Like light whimsical brush strokes on a painters canvas our spirits connect and are lightened. I can feel our etheric bodies entangle quicker than do our physical selves. Thoughts of each other bring us together on another plane when we can't seem to physically be together. His face I see clearly in my sleep. Sometimes I awake and I swear I can feel him with me.My rational side wants me to wake up and smell the coffee that I'm not a kid believing in Cinderella anymore. Another side wants to embrace this growing thing we have begun to nurture and see where it goes. So far it feels like a beautiful meadow of wildflowers and trees. Babbling creek. The kind of place with in your heart where true memories are made.I have found that I love my friend dearly and it's heart wretching to say that I finally believe I understand the tortureous part of love.I'm definitely spooked.........SJ