Mittwoch, August 03, 2005

Ich sehr krank

Well, I came down with tonsillitis. Oh joy. I guess this is where I get to test first hand what I've learned about herbs in my studies. So I started goldenseal drops last night and echinacea tea to gargle and drink. There's the infamous salt water gargle which I always hated but it causes the crap from sore throat issues in general to pull out some of the crap and then slough off the outer layer. So here in a while I'll be consuming borage, comfrey and cleavers. Later on tonight probably an onion and garlic tea/gargle. I tell ya what, by the time it's over and done with my system aught to be pretty squeaky clean.
My room mate is caring for our son. (He and I were married for over a decade but remain awesome friends and our kid needs both of us.) He's actually going to one of my best friend's house to gather some plants that she is cutting to help me recuperate quicker.
I began doing a 1-2-3 thing with our son last week. I knew it would be worse before it got better and indeed it did but him being a pretty smart cookie is getting it. He is realizing that when mom gets to three the axe is gonna fall, unequivocally without a doubt. So I'm glad I had begun that before I got ill.
So I'm pretty sick but at least I feel like my fever might have broke, or is close to breaking. I miss my best friend more than I could put into words. If he were here now I wonder what he would do. He told me this morning he wishes he could be here to just pamper me, what would that constitute? I would just want him to snuggle with me, probably till I fall asleep sleep.
I wasn't completely honest with the people I know when I told them I had food poisoning. My best friend and I had an oopsie and I had been pretty late with my moon cycle so I took a bunch of wormwood, black walnut and cloves for a period of time and terminated. I talked to my sister and she said wormwood is one of those iffy ones that she won't use cuz it can be that toxic. And it did put my system through quite the cleanse. So much so I resorted to imodium to slow it down a bit. So at sixteen days late my moon cycle came and boy it came with a vengeance. I some how feel that this whole thing brought us closer together but on different planes/levels. It is pretty miraculous and spiritual to create a life. I wonder if he wonders what it would have been like if I didn't have the 'make it go away mentality'. I know I do. I've been emotionally and mentally going through a form of grieving that I didn't have a clue would happen.