Donnerstag, August 04, 2005


Have you ever been with someone and they just take your breath away? They are beautiful in your eyes and your thoughts are encompassed by thought of them? The heart ache and longing? The feeling of being incomplete when they aren't around? When they come to mind your heart flutters and swells with emotion for them?
It hit me like an I beam today that I am in love with my best friend. He said I came to the proper conclusion that although neither if us were looking for it to turn into this yes, we are both in love with the other.
So as I go to sleep tonight I shall put my hand on my tummy like he does when we are just laying there together. And I shall think of him. I feel his presence when I think of him, as he does I. I have never experienced this kind of connection at this deep of a level before.
In a way it scares the shit out of me. But then that's that fear of being hurt if I get close. On the other hand I feel so safe and secure in his presence that I can let my guard totally down and let him read my soul through and through and it actually feels good. I regard this as sacred. It's comforting in a strange sort of way.
So I shall take myself to bed now and have more vivid dreams of my best friend. When I awake I shall feel as if he is there with me. You'd think this would feel invasive but it's actually a serene feeling along with a feeling of longing for him. It leaves my heart pounding and I can feel it's pounding in unison with his even tho he is not presently here.
So I admit, I have to, there's no doubting it.....I'm in love. I feel blessed by the stars and the universe for what I perceive as a gift. This deep connection that is explosive with passion. The apple of my eye, is this man I speak of. True beauty in human form.