Sonntag, Oktober 23, 2005


Well you haven't emailed me, then again we've both been busy as all get go.
So there you lay on the couch watching a movie as you unwind, hopefully you won't fall And you're right three hours of sleep isn't enough but oh my gods that was awesome last night.
I said that I would tell ya about fantasies through emails cuz I blush in a most serious manner and then wish to flee the room before you can get any hints out of So I'll do my best to convey something to you and then go oh my god what have I done as I hit the send button. You know the's the same one you get right as you close the door with the keys on the other side and no way But at the same time I don't convey things like this because it's like getting a cheat sheet and I don't feel the same about things that I say I want. It's actually more of a turn on and way more erotic if you stumble upon something and go with it. So with that said I'll shut up and continue.
Heck, I have too many fantasies to convey and I'm not used to the computer not being dug through. Meaning I never used to write and save things on the computer because I never knew what was being read by another party and here my things are safe even though I let you know my passwords. I do not know the words that I would use to convey how much that means to me. It's huge. Okay, that's a lame way of expressing it. Any who........
It's not a secret that we both cherish falling asleep in each others arms. Petting, kissing and the intertwining of mind, body and soul. It's incredible. It has been through these times that my thought run ramped and I think of all kinds of ways I wish for you to take me as well as ways I'd like to take you, however other things go through my mind as well. Like places to hike and sit and think. (So not always sexual, but
I have some reoccurring dreams that you know I have but I've never said what they are. Here's one of them (Hopefully I won't suck ass at attempting to paint a picture with words for you.)...................
Deep in sleep, snuggled tightly in the blankets. Laying on my side yet in your arms with our legs inter-woven. Warm flannel beneath and soft cotton above. Peacefully asleep, breathing deeply as I begin to drift off into dreamland. I dream of a dream, a fantasy some might call it. Maybe I'm out of body watching myself dream, I'm not sure. As I dream about making love to you my breathing shifts. As I dream in vivid color, my pussy begins to throb mildly as it becomes wet. (Sometimes I awake because it feels like you are in me, yet you are laying next to me sleeping as well. As I drift back off my dream continues.) In my dream you snuggle in tighter, in a way that ensures I don't awake, wrapping your arm around me so that your hand ends up on my side right next to yet slightly under my breast. I shift in a way that exposes my pussy more and you gently begin to play with my clit, swirling your soft finger pad around it, teasing it, making my pussy yearn for your cock. You take your hard cock and and slide it next to but not in me, making me want you more. You put gentle pressure against my ass with the head of your throbbing cock, allowing my ass to slowly take you in at will while continuing with mild clitoral stimulation. As it goes in I nestle into your arms, your body is really warm, your smell causes me to dream deeper. As you tenderly kiss my neck, you enter me deep. Half awake, half asleep. I awake to your cock throbbing inside of me. It's tender, sensual, intament, spiritual as are you. I orgasm and because of the deep trust that we have and the deep connection of energy and love that we exchange when we intertwine I absolutely love it.
This is where the variables come in. In some dreams that's all I can handle and I roll over and you enter me and we intertwine in an intense way. In other dreams I am able to ride the wave of the anal orgasm and we continue till you cum Deep in my ass as you hold me tight.
Well, we both need a shower and I'm really not trying to ignore you as you watch Leno and wonder if I'm ever gonna get off of this damn computer.......LMFAO And yes, the bath will definitely need more hot water....LOL
I love you deeply................SJ

Donnerstag, Oktober 20, 2005

How's it goin?

So I went to take a shower and had this hair brained thought to take the phone in there with me. Hmmmm I though as my eyebrow lifted mischeiviously. I went out to the kitchen and grabbed a galon bag to put the phone in and dialed with my dildo in hand.
'Hey, how's it goin?' I asked but what I really wanted to say was 'I want to hear your voice as I orgasm wildly in the bath'. So I hung up and proceeded with my shower.
My body seemed to crave pretty hot water with a stronger stream today. Maybe because when I take my dildo in there with me it's hard to get the angle I need on my clit to get off. Maybe it's because it makes it too intense to cum. I'm not sure but my pussy was seriously stubborn today and it didn't want to yeild nor did it want to give up any kind of orgasm.
I teased it all well, until it was throbbing and I forced the dildo in little by little as I thought of you. It was so tight it burned as I penetrated myself. I grabbed my nipples and tweaked them as I arched my back to keep the dildo in (using the tub as it's opposing force to keep it in).
I practiced the art of letting it go and thought of how you might react to it. It was incredible. As I came and I came hard.
I guess I have a secret fantacy of you catching me in the shower and joining me and taking over and dominating me. In a way when I think of it I think of getting caught and ummmm, I'm not sure how to explain it. I get off that much more. Imagining restraints, positions, etc. Too much information, I'm
Okay, I'm outa I love you bunches.!!!

Re: hi

Sam, Thanks again for the link to your blog page...ill be reading morelater on. Your currently in the kitchen doing witchery with boozeLOL. Loads of fun. I think Matt is getting close to a snapping pointso this might realy help him out, also I think part of the reason forhim not thinking that just up and quiting his job is because he hasseen how long it has taken me to get one that im happy with. Grantedhe doesnt have the same higher goals that I have with my job but thenagain I dont think he has the same standards for getting a carreerand not just a JOB that I have. ealier was awsome andim looking forward to more later on tonight. Being able to open upmore and more has realy been helping me as im sure its been helpingyou. LOL right now im looking into your eyes and typing at the sametime and im finding it dufficult to put into words the love andbeauty I see in them. lol ok you just left the room. As I wassaying...I think we have so much to our lives that has yet to happenand im excited to take these things on and have an awsome life thatis an adventure at the same time, kinda like last night by the firein the cold rain...although it was cold and I froze my balls off inthe process it was a very specail moment for me and I was honerd toshare it with you. So many of the things we have done together arevery indicitive that there is so much adventure to be shared. Anywho,matt is back with ice and so on so im gonna let you go for now and Ihope you enjoy reading this and replying as I will enjoy doing thesame with your emails. Write you soon...I love you,DaveIt's Physics...Of course I know!!!

Dienstag, Oktober 18, 2005

Feelin crappy

...I called in sick to work today. I've only been there a week and fwack!!! It hit me. Isn't that murphy's law for ya? As the day has progressed my head is killing me, my eyes hurt and the sneezing fits are killer. Nothing like drowning in your own mucus. Not to mention hot and cold spells that have to be similar to menopause.
...My monster child is going to be placed at Turtle Bay. Basically an alternative/out patient behavioral school. I've had bad experiences with the doctor who runs the program so I am hoping all will go well and that he has changed for the better. Basically he kicked me out of his office when I asked more than twenty questions about the risperdal he was prescribing. I wanted to know what it could do to my child's growing body......years ago!!!
...I'm off to munch some food my BF made.... and probably go back to bed. I never realized that BF's that really truely care actually nurture the one's they care for. I'm not used to it, I have a hard time being pampered and fussed over but at the same time I find peace and comfort in it and I wouldn't trade it for anything. He is an amazing man indeed. Okay, shutting up now!!!


Hey you,
I want to say thank you for cooking dinner and for wanting to take care of me while I'm not feeling well.
I love you bunches.
Here's the link

I used to think I was indecisive,
but now I'm not so sure................
See you here, there or in the air.

Mittwoch, Oktober 05, 2005

Cancer and Capricorn

Romantic CompatibilityProvided by
Cancer & Capricorn
When Cancer and Capricorn make a love match, it's a celestial pairing of great tenacity and determination. Capricorn, the Sea Goat, is focused on logic, on being down-to-earth and real; Cancer brings a charge of emotional intensity to the relationship. Both hold one another to high standards tempered by an abiding mutual respect. In a Capricorn mate, Cancer finds dedication, and in return Capricorn comes to love Cancer's persistence. These two Signs from opposite sides of the Zodiac can come together to create a very successful and secure connection.
This relationship builds and grows from a strong foundation of material and emotional security. Both Signs can be depended on to make frugal, conservative decisions. It doesn't have to be all solemnity, though, as Cancer can help their hard-working Capricorn lover to relax a little at the end of the day, to take time to enjoy the rewards of all that labor. Cancer will also be the one to polish and preserve the fruits of their shared accomplishments; Cancer is the keeper of nostalgia and cherished memories and possessions. Capricorn moves Cancer toward achievement and keeps in check their Crab-like tendencies, enlightening Cancer to the more important matters of the world outside their own easily bruised heart. This relationship succeeds if there is an ironclad commitment and a stable, traditional home environment.
The Moon (Emotion) rules Cancer, and Saturn (Karma) rules Capricorn. The Moon is a warm, feminine energy, and Saturn a cold, masculine energy. The Moon is emotional and nurturing; it is about maternal care giving and intuition, both of which become vital to Cancer. Saturn practices integrity and discipline to achieve goals. A Cancer love mate can show their serious Capricorn companion how to enjoy life and to appreciate beauty and comfort. Mothering Cancer truly enjoys smoothing over Capricorn's hard edges. Conversely, the Sea Goat can smooth Cancer's ruffled emotional feathers by providing the sort of solid foundation that Cancer desperately craves. Capricorn teaches Cancer to be more disciplined and to go out into the world and strive toward goals.
Cancer is a Water Sign, and Capricorn is an Earth Sign. Earth Signs focus on possessions, Water Signs on emotion and intuition, but also on beauty and nostalgia. The Cancer-Capricorn love mates like to surround themselves with beautiful things -- a stately home, gorgeous artwork, expensive cars. Their desire to be economically stable and their love of finery ensures that this couple will work hard toward this and other shared goals. This mutual love for fine things keeps them out of arguments about one partner trying to live ostentatiously or beyond their means.
Cancer and Capricorn are Cardinal Signs. Both are initiatory, active and ardent. Though this can be a catalyst for some dynamite conflicts, it can provide Capricorn with an emotional pillar, as Cancer is entirely dedicated to the relationship. Their differing emotional dispositions complement each other well -- Capricorn excels in getting the nitty-gritty business done, and Cancer always steps in when emotional counseling is needed. These Signs will get along well if Capricorn and Cancer allow one another to use their respective individual strengths.
What's the best thing about the Cancer-Capricorn relationship? Their utter dedication to one another and their mutual commitments toward shared goals. Both are lovers of quality and of beautiful, luxurious things, and neither shirks at the idea of a little hard work if that's what it takes (in fact, Capricorn would rather be working than almost anything!). Their shared passions, sense of responsibility and morality make theirs a highly compatible relationship.

Dienstag, Oktober 04, 2005


I had the awareness today that my BF's moon sign my sun sign. And we both have the same ascending node. We are our own polarity unto ourselves and now to each other as well. Not to mention our charts are both heaviest in Sagitarius.