Dienstag, Oktober 18, 2005

Feelin crappy

...I called in sick to work today. I've only been there a week and fwack!!! It hit me. Isn't that murphy's law for ya? As the day has progressed my head is killing me, my eyes hurt and the sneezing fits are killer. Nothing like drowning in your own mucus. Not to mention hot and cold spells that have to be similar to menopause.
...My monster child is going to be placed at Turtle Bay. Basically an alternative/out patient behavioral school. I've had bad experiences with the doctor who runs the program so I am hoping all will go well and that he has changed for the better. Basically he kicked me out of his office when I asked more than twenty questions about the risperdal he was prescribing. I wanted to know what it could do to my child's growing body......years ago!!!
...I'm off to munch some food my BF made.... and probably go back to bed. I never realized that BF's that really truely care actually nurture the one's they care for. I'm not used to it, I have a hard time being pampered and fussed over but at the same time I find peace and comfort in it and I wouldn't trade it for anything. He is an amazing man indeed. Okay, shutting up now!!!