Samstag, April 23, 2005

Daydream.....Erotic Lava Lamp

I have insomnia tonight so I had some tea and spirits, then lay back down in bed. I turn on my lava lamp with the hope that it would calm my mind and thus allow my body to rest. With two tea lit candles to also watch, my mind seems to focus on the purpleish-pink lava in the lamp. While the lamp is heating up I like to jiggle the top, and watch the disc that always seems to end up on the top twirl and float to the bottom.
Tonight this turned into an erotic event. Maybe I've been talking and thinking about sex too much lately. I don't know. Anticipation of my best friend's visit this weekend, and those thoughts that run ramped in my mind are of definite sexual nature.
None the less, as the disc broke free and begin to jiggle it reminded me of a perky nipple and I began to think of my adult profile and exploring female love. I began to think of sucking and nibbling on my friend's hard perky nipples and phallus. As the disc swirled and spiraled downward it was graceful as a soft sensual French kiss. I still had essence of the strawberry and cream candy on my tongue and this heightened the heat of my emotion. I began to long to hold his throbbing phallus in my hands and to wrap my hot lips around his mushroom and show my appreciation for how I feel about him.
Little particles catch my eye and I begin to watch as they dance and swim about. Like glitter in a snow globe at first. I think of standing in the park, arms out-stretched greeting father frost and my spirit dancing with the snow and, there he appears again. In his jeans, sweater and jacket he just walks into my daydream again. I pull his hat over his ears and playfully greet him hello. He grabs me up in his arms and our souls vibrate with joy. Some of the particles seem to break away and swim. I look again and focus and indeed, they resemble sperm. I chuckle to myself and think about the things I've seen in porn that I've always wanted to experience. Like wanting...his cock swelling and thrusting kind of hard and mostly deep and it throbbing and being pushed in and held deep while it blows, and just when I go to lunge from the reaction I am held in place and dominated just a minute or two longer to make me come harder than imagined.
As the lava heats and rises it appears like a putty project to create a tornado with bubbles swirling on top like the sea of passion coming to life. My button is throbbing painfully. My Katze is hot and all but dripping, clenching and unclenching on itself just thinking how in a couple daysin my mind, I'll be able to ravish his body once more, more and more. (I'm thinking I need a good hard domination to get me to relax enough to not worry about lil sounds that might escape my lips. I have never been so ready to jump in with both feet, I just need him to kick the door open for me. Then that caged animal of sensual passion can be freed.)
I get off and cream as I ponder how I wish to worship his body. Sex with him would be so hot. His personality is fantastic and his spirit and soul beautiful. As it thrusts in and out I think about what he would look like in civil war and medieval clothes. It makes my mitze want to climax once more. The thought of him in Celtic garb with the belt full of gadgets with some mild armor on throws me over the edge. My body goes limp and it's all I can do to hold my legs up as I allow myself to get lost into the him getting lost into me. His breath tones change and little sounds escape his lips and I pop. He grinds me deep but with slower more subtle moves and it pulls my O out further. Just as I think I can't come anymore and I am shaking with pleasure he goes on a lil more. As he hardens and swells my Katze grabs it tighter. It gets hotter, wetter and as I sense his fireworks it excites me further and it's like a grand finale of magical orgasmic energy and our Beings are electrified and our souls soar and clench together as do our bodies.
We soak in the hot bath and enjoy the heat on our sore muscles and the aroma is pleasing. Soft caresses and tender kisses in his strong protective arms is how I fall asleep. I wake up rested, my soul excited to greet another day. And once more my mind is encompassed with thoughts of how maybe, someday, this could be my life, and he the man in it. Maybe, someday, I'll have the courage to put it on the line and speak my heart as well. I believe my soul loves his, I can't say I've felt this before. It's intimidating because it's unknown to me........

Sonntag, April 17, 2005

Priestesshood Petition

'What qualities do I possess that would make me a good Priestess? Why do I want to be a priestess? Why should I be considered?'
Ancient Wicca were the lawyer, doctor, healer, counselor and ceremonial director. In a sense what original Roman Priests were.
In my two years of wiccan training I have blossomed onto the path I am meant to be on. Not just a spiritual path but rather a way of life. I have undergone many mental, physical and emotional changes in the past couple years. From extremely argumentative, narrow minded and seriously conditioned from my upbringing to sitting back and listening to what is said. Even if I don't agree with a point of view, I have found my own opinion is not carved in stone and just might change. I have learned much while learning to be quiet. I have found I enjoy researching and studying different aspects of different paths and instead of being closed off to their partakers. I am inquisitive to learn why they believe what they do. In this process I became grateful and feel blessed that I know what my calling is, as I have noticed many are clueless about theirs.
Through meditation on why I wish to be considered for Priestesshood and all that this encompasses I have found the following;
I have the ability to teach through various means. I tend to inspire people and help them learn to inspire themselves. I feel the need to correct/give guidance when necessary in a constructive manner. I am assertive and also I encourage to have things I am doing incorrectly pointed out to me as well as a means to better myself. I have the ability to listen and intuitively council. Magically and ritually I use my powers wisely and properly. By powers I am meaning my giftings as well as my authority.
On my path as a shaman as well as other areas of my life I am loyal and passionate in all I take on. I strive to be a good role model through being a good example in what I claim to be. I don't just talk the talk, I do my best to actually live it. I am dedicated to impacting the world one person at a time through my healing gifts and by continuing to better myself. The next step for me with this is massage school, then to finish up the Healing Touch course and combine the two. From there to cross train in other healing modalities such as nutrition, herbology, accupressure, etc. I am an effective healer because I trust my intuition and empathy and I have faith in what I do because my intent is pure and the powers that be have entrusted me with this.
I am well educated and if I don't know the answer to what I want to know I am almost a research scientist. I usually consult with at least three different sources and compare the commonalities to find an underlying truth. In my studies I have found that through my own self initiation and dedication ceremonies I have done on my own, as well as being First year initiate this allows me the right to be a Priestess. I am an intuitive healer, teacher, friend, co-counselor and more. The research I have done has inspired me toward mastery of my life. I already am what I am striving to be.
Silver Dragon Wolf.......SJ

Mittwoch, April 06, 2005

Stalker......The creepy ex-coworker

I used to be a Costco demo lady. Us people that stand around and all but fail to keep up with cranking out 2 oz samples to people who think it's their fuckin lunch. While working there I made lots of friends and met a lot of really neat people. I also met mostly idiots, jerks and brain dead people. I have no use for stupid people and for some reason this guy tht works there named Mike think he has some special privalage and can call me relentlessly and email and IM me just the same and not quit.
Well the sherriff is charging him with communication violations because he ft out admidted to it, not to mention I had printed out the emails and IMs.